Hallel |
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Hallel: (lit. “praise”) A portion of Psalms (113-118) recited in the prayer service on the festivals and on Rosh Chodesh.
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Hallel (Psalms 113-118) is typically sung or chanted joyously on Passover eve and during morning services on Jewish festivals.
The mitzvah of saying hallel on the festivals; when, how and why it is recited, and its meaning.
Unlike all the other festivals, only the abridged version of Hallel (Psalms 113-118, recited on special occasions in praise and thanksgiving to G-d) is said on the latter days of Passover. The reason for this is based on the Midrash which relates that whe...
Special prayers of thanksgiving -- Hallel (in its full version) and V'Al HaNissim -- are added to the daily prayers and Grace After Meals on all eight days of Chanukah. Tachnun (confession of sins) and similar prayers are omitted for the duration of trhe ...
Today is the first of the two days of Rosh Chodesh (“Head of the Month”) for the month of Elul (when a month has 30 days, both the last day of the month and the first day of the following month serve as the following month’s Rosh Chodesh). Special portion...
Since Rosh Hashanah is the day of Judgment, every person should be filled with fear and awe at his impending judgment. He should be careful to avoid anything that might bring him to levity or that might distract him from the gravity of this day. So great ...
The Haggadah in Depth, Part 33
The Hallel as an Exodus narrative: beyond transcendence. How G-d uplifted the downtrodden, and granted offspring to the infertile, and why that is relevant for us!
The Haggadah in Depth, Part 32
The Hallel as found in the Haggadah: Explore how & why it's uniquely Jewish, yet labeled an Egyptian song of praise. Retreat of a Pharaoh and exchanging masters. Fresh definitions of slavery. Right to sing. A global perspective: sunrise to sunset.
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