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Masada (3)
On a rocky plateau overlooking the Dead Sea, lies the excavated ruin of a royal citadel, the last stronghold held by Jews who refused to submit to Roman occupation. Masada is the backdrop for one of the most dramatic scenes in Jewish history.
Thoughts on our generation’s desire for life-affirming messages of Jewish pride and heroism.
Discover something you did not know about the site of the last stronghold of Jewish resistance during the 1st-century revolt against the Romans.
Nothing, not the Herodian palaces nor the Roman bathhouses at Masada, the 1,300-foot-high mesa arising from the Judean Desert near the Dead Sea, the last refuge of the zealots fleeing the destruction of Jerusalem, moved me as much as the lonely ritual bat...
The seventh grade classes from two Israeli public middle schools held a joint celebration of their 600 members’ bar and bat mitzvahs at the country’s historic fortress of Masada. Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries from the students’ hometown of Ramat Hasharon ar...
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