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The chassidic masters see a simple needle as a metaphor for our lives--and a means of finding guidance of how and when to be strong or soft.
Balaam blessed the Jews, praising the "goodliness of their tents." What was the malicious intent behind these words?
The "That's How G-d Made Me" excuse, the "Sorry I Lost It" excuse, the "I'm Special" excuse, and the "What's the Use" excuse
Upon his arrival in the U.S., he declared that “America is no different.” What did the Rebbe mean?
It is so easy to push off what we need to do until tomorrow. After all, what is one more day? But a year from now, we will be so happy we made that change today...
Excellent question. We began celebrating the holiday of Passover on the first anniversary of our freedom from Egypt. Actually, in practice we celebrated it even during the actual Exodus, as we were commanded by G‑d to eat the Passover lamb on the night pr...
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