Z"A: Acronym for Ze'er Anpin (Aramaic., lit. “the small face”); the term used by the Kabbalah for the Divine attributes which parallel emotions [2 related articles] |
Zabla: Acronym, Zeh--this one, Borer--chooses, Lo-- for him, Echad--one. A procedure for convening a rabbinical court of law to hear a case involving a dispute over money or property; each litigant chooses one judge or arbiter, and these two judges then designate the third judge |
Zachariah: The book of Tanach containing Zechariah's prophecies, exhorting the Jews to serve G-d and foretelling the future redemption. [2 related articles] Prophets (Section of the Tanach) » Zachariah |
Zachor: (lit. "remember"); the obligation to remember Amalek’s attack on the young Jewish nation; commemorated by the reading of the passage of this name on the Sabbath preceding Purim. [31 related articles] |
Zayin: the seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet, prounounced "z," with a numerical value of 7 [5 related articles] |
Zebulun: Son of Jacob and Leah. Tenth of the Twelve Tribes. Progenitor of the Tribe of Zebulon, famed for their success in sea commerce, and their financial support of the scholarly Tribe of Issachar. [6 related articles] Biblical Personalities » Zebulun |
Zechariah ben Iddo: (4th century BCE) A contemporary of Haggai and Malachi, the last prophets, prophesied during the construction of the Second Temple. [5 related articles] Kings and Prophets » Zechariah ben Iddo |
Zechariah ben Jehoiada: (d. 661 BCE) Mentioned in II Chronicles 24, was killed in the Holy Temple courtyard while trying to prevent the erection of an idol in the Holy Temple. [1 related article] Kings and Prophets » Zechariah ben Jehoiada |
Zechariah, the Book of: The book of Tanach containing Zechariah's prophecies, exhorting the Jews to serve G-d and foretelling the future redemption. [2 related articles] Prophets (Section of the Tanach) » Zechariah, the Book of |
Zechut: merit |
Zechuto Yagen Aleinu: (lit. "may his merit shield us"), term used in reference to a departed righteous person Speech; Communication » Zechuto Yagen Aleinu |
Ze'er Anpin: (Aramaic., lit. “the small face”); the term used by the Kabbalah for the Divine attributes which parallel emotions [2 related articles] |
Zeida: (Yiddish); Grandfather |
Zelicha (Potiphar's Wife): Wife of Joseph's master, Potiphar. Attempted to seduce Joseph. When Joseph resisted her overtures, she claimed that he raped her and he was thrown into prison. [5 related articles] |
Zelophehad: After he died in the desert, his daughters successfully petitioned to be awarded his portion in the Land of Canaan. Some say he was killed by the Amalekites and the Canaanites among those who -- after the Spies catastrophe -- attempted to go to Canaan on their own. Others say he was the wood gatherer. [3 related articles] Five Books of Moses (Biblical Personalities) » Zelophehad |
Zemirot: (lit. "hymns"); Shabbat and festival songs generally sung around the table [3 related articles] |
Zephaniah: (c. 5th century BCE) A contemporary of Jeremiah, he prophesied shortly before the destruction of the first Holy Temple. [4 related articles] Kings and Prophets » Zephaniah |
Zephaniah, the Book of: The book of Tanach containing Zephaniah's prophecies, foretelling the destruction of Jerusalem as well the Jews' eventual return from exile. [2 related articles] Prophets (Section of the Tanach) » Zephaniah, the Book of |
Zeroa: the shankbone used on the Passover seder plate; represents the Paschal sacrifice [4 related articles] Seder Plate, The » Zeroa |
Zevachim: The first tractate in the Order of Kodashim. The entire order deals with the sacrificial service in the Holy Temple. Tractate Zevachim focuses specifically on the various types of animal offerings [6 related articles] Talmud, The » Zevachim |
Zilpah: Leah’s handmaiden. One of Jacob's two concubines, she was mother of Gad and Asher. [6 related articles] |
Zimri ben Salu: Leader of the Tribe of Simeon. Slain by Phinehas after publicly cohabiting with a Midianite princess. [4 related articles] |
Zipporah: (a) Daughter of Jethro; Moses’ wife. Stayed behind in Midian with their two sons while Moses went to Egypt to liberate the Israelites. Joined her husband and the Israelites shortly after the Splitting of the Sea. Moses separated from her after the Giving of the Torah, so to always be available and ready to communicate with G-d. (b) A common Jewish name. [6 related articles] |
Zohar: the classic text of the Kabbalah; compiled by 2nd century mishnaic sage Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai [31 related articles] Kabbalistic Works » Zohar |