
Parshah Musings

Did the Egyptians Have a Choice?
If our gaolers were just pawns in some cosmic master plan, how can we demand and celebrate their punishment?
Your Attention Please
G-d went to the trouble of punishing the Egyptians so that the Jews would learn a lesson?
Pharaoh as a Role Model
You have to admire that guy. One plague, two plagues, they just kept coming... But he stayed the course
Is Punctuality Next to G‑dliness?
It's rude to be constantly late to meetings, apologizing, yet again, for my tardy arrival. No matter how well intentioned I am, some distraction or emergency situation always pops up...
Do the Bullied Become Bullies?
Can one truly break away from the evil that others did, and resolve to act with generosity and understanding to others?
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