He is worth 4 billion dollars.

She is worth 5.8 billion dollars.

The richest person in the world is worth 53.5 billion dollars.


What a funny word. How deceiving. Like, really? Does the size of our bank account determine our worth?

Is a person who built a beautiful marriage, raised healthy children and did his best to pay the bills, but whose bank account is in the four digits (or overdrawn by four digits), worthless?

Does status on Forbes tell us a person’s worth?Is the 40-year-old tycoon who’s divorced for the ninth time, has kids who don’t speak to him, and has earned his money stepping over others, worth it?

There are many wealthy people who are decent and honest fellows, and I am not a socialist who wants to rob them of their earnings. The point I wish to make is: Does status on Forbes tell us a person’s worth?

Or is it other stuff—like the charity we give, the family we raise and the accomplishments of the spirit—that determine our worth?

In the end of the Book of Leviticus (beginning of chapter 27), we read about a person who decides to donate his or her “worth” to G‑d.

How much does this individual pay?

That depends on the age of the individual—in other words, the person’s productive capacity.

Our worth is in our actions, not our credit score. It is not the business magazines that tell the world how much we are worth; rather, it’s the love letters in our drawer and the charity diplomas on the wall that tell us how much we are worth.

So, how much are you worth?