

The Holiness of Shabbat
Audio | 40:40
The Holiness of Shabbat
This class illuminates the true meaning of the holiness of Shabbat and what it represents in our spiritual experience.
The Shabbat Candles
Audio | 44:39
The Shabbat Candles
This class expounds upon the deeper meaning behind the mitzvah of Shabbat candles.
Kiddush and Havdalah
Audio | 43:02
Kiddush and Havdalah
This class outlines in great detail the mitzvah of kiddush and havdalah; to sanctify the Shabbat at the beginning and end of the day.
The Third Meal of Shabbos
Audio | 45:34
The Third Meal of Shabbos
The custom to eat less at the third meal of Shabbat, seudah shelishit, and its mystical significance according to Kabbalah.
Melaveh Malkah
Audio | 48:41
Melaveh Malkah
This class explains the specialty of the after-Shabbos meal called melaveh malkah.
Reciting Veyiten Lechah After Shabbat
This class traces and elucidates the origin, the reasons and the inner meaning of the after-Shabbat prayer of veyiten lechah.
Making an Eruv Tavshilin
Audio | 43:45
Making an Eruv Tavshilin
A thorough description of the mitzvah, eiruv tavshilim, practiced when a yom tov falls on Friday.
Prayers of Shabbos (1)
Audio | 41:19
Prayers of Shabbos
Part 1
This class goes through the Shabbat prayers and presents profound insights into their meaning.
Audio | 47:44