
Yearly Cycle

The Jewish Calendar
Audio | 49:03
The Jewish Calendar
This class introduces the key components that comprise and determine the structure of the Jewish calendar which follows the lunar cycle.
The Secret of the Leap Year
Audio | 52:02
The Secret of the Leap Year
This class presents the mystical elements of the Jewish leap year; an extra month is added to compensate for the difference of days between the solar and lunar year.
The Inner Meaning of Shofar
Audio | 51:01
The Inner Meaning of Shofar
This class presents the deeper meaning to the mitzvah of sounding the shofar.
The Specialty of Yom Kippur
Audio | 45:31
The Specialty of Yom Kippur
This class explains the extraordinary nature of the most sacred day of the year: Yom Kippur.
The Specialty of Sukkot
Audio | 34:43
The Specialty of Sukkot
This class provides a comprehensive understanding of the central themes of Sukkot.
The Ushpizin
Audio | 42:27
The Ushpizin of Sukkot
On Sukkot we are visited in the sukkah by the seven ushpizin, “guests”; why do they come and what does it mean?
Chanukah - In Depth
Audio | 49:55
Chanukah - In Depth
This class presents a comprehensive understanding of the deeper meaning behind the miracle of Chanukah.
Zos Chanukah
This class teaches the special significance of the last day of Chanukah, which is referred to as Zos Chanukah.
10 of Tevet
Audio | 43:30
10 of Tevet
The tenth of Tevet is a fast-day when we mourn the siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians.
Tu Beshvat
Audio | 48:55
Tu Beshvat
This class explains the special significance of Tu B’shvat – the New Year for the trees.
7 Adar
Audio | 43:53
7 Adar
The birth and yahrtziet of Moses
The seventh of Adar is the birthday and yahrtzeit of Moshe; discover the special quality of the day he was born.
The Decree and Salvation of Purim
This class provides a thorough understanding of the deeper reason and root cause for the decree and salvation in the Purim story.
The Inner Megillah
Audio | 46:06
The Inner Megillah
This class illuminates the deeper dimension of the Megillah – book of Esther; why there’s no mention of G-d’s name in the text and the different times for its reading.
Purim Katan
Audio | 43:57
Purim Katan
The significance of Purim Kattan; the semi-festive day celebrated on a Jewish leap year in the first Adar.
The Four Parshiot
Audio | 51:12
The Four Parshiot
In the weeks prior to Pesach we read from the Torah special parshiot in addition to the weekly parshah; here we examine the order of these readings.
Parshat Shekalim
Audio | 49:36
Parshat Shekalim
On the Shabbat preceding the month of Adar we read the Torah portion of shekalim – the giving of the half shekel.
Parshat Zachor
Audio | 41:36
Parshat Zachor
On the Shabbat before Purim we read the portion of remembering amalek; here we explore why a special Torah reading was instituted specifically for this remembrance.
Parshat Parah
Audio | 45:11
Parshat Parah
On the Shabbat prior to the month of Nissan we read a special Torah portion which details the laws of the red heifer; an offering used to cleanse the ritually impure before bringing the Paschal lamb.
The Ten Makkot – Plagues
Audio | 52:46
The Ten Makkot – Plagues
This class takes a deeper look at the purpose of the ten plagues that afflicted the Egyptians and what they represent.
Laws and Customs for Passover
Laws and customs for Passover, from koshering the kitchen to what items we may use and eat.
Pesach Halachos
Audio | 1:22:22
Pesach Halachos
This advanced class offers a comprehensive overview of the halachot of Pesach: cleaning the house, koshering the kitchen, the laws for a year when Erev Pesach fall out on Shabbat, and the steps of the seder.
The Significance of Pesach Sheni
A second opportunity was given for those who missed out on bringing the paschal (Pesach) sacrifice. There are profound spiritual lessons of teshuvah that we learn from this.
A Distinct Holiday?
Audio | 39:50
A Distinct Holiday?
What is the status of this second Pesach; is it a separate holiday or just an extension of Pesach? This has spiritual ramifications in the service of G-d.
Lag B’omer 1
On Lag Ba’omer the plague killing the students of Rabbi Akiva for not respecting each other, ceased. How is it possible that these greats didn’t have the proper love for one another?
Lag B’omer 2
On Lag Ba’omer we celebrate the passing of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, author of the Zohar. Why is this great reason to celebrate?
Counting the Omer
Audio | 45:56
Counting the Omer
This class presents a detailed understanding of the mitzvah to count the forty nine days of the Omer, the days between Pesach and Shavuot.
The Omer and Shtei Halechem
Audio | 46:25
The Omer and Shtei Halechem
The Omer offering is brought on the second day of Pesach and the Shtei Halechem offering is brought on Shavuot; what do their differences represent according to Kabbalah?
The Month of Iyar
Audio | 42:35
The Month of Iyar
This class details the special spiritual dimension of the month of Iyar.
Rosh Chodesh Sivan
Audio | 46:38
Rosh Chodesh Sivan
On the first day of the month of Sivan the Jewish people arrived at Mt. Sinai after leaving Egypt: what is its significance?
2 of Sivan
Audio | 43:13
2 of Sivan
The second day of Sivan – a few days before the giving of the Torah – is called “yom hameyuchas”, the special day; why is this day special at all?
The Significance of Erev Shavuot
This class teaches the significance of Erev Shavuot, the day before the giving of the Torah.
Shavuot: Giving of the Torah
Audio | 44:09
Shavuot: Giving of the Torah
This class examines the extraordinary transformative impact the giving of Torah accomplished.
The Days Following Shavuot
Audio | 42:45
The Days Following Shavuot
The six days following Shavuot are special because they too are days for bringing the holiday sacrifices; why are the times for these sacrifices on ordinary, non-holidays?
The Summer Months
Audio | 47:00
The Summer Months
This class presents the kabbalistic approach to the meaning of the summer months.
Understanding Tisha B’Av
Audio | 37:06
Understanding Tisha B’Av
On Tisha B’Av we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple; discover the positive within this mournful day.