Behar Audio Classes
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![]() Audio | 21:53
An in depth look at the weekly Parsha based on the talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
![]() Audio | 70:02
An overview of the weekly Parsha, through the eyes of the many commentators, enriching your understanding of how our great history unfolded.
![]() Audio | 6:02
Five Minute Class
A five minute weekly Torah insight based on the wellsprings of Torah and Chassidut.
![]() Audio | 13:21
Can you imagine going to sleep at night with nothing in your home or in your possession, yet sleeping soundly because you trust in Hashem? This is the mandate of the Mitzvah of Shemitah, to truly trust in Hashem that He will provide. This week’s dramatic true story from the streets of New York City highlights this idea in a remarkable way.
![]() Audio | 6:06
A five minute weekly Torah thought based on the teachings of Chassidut.
![]() Audio | 27:05
This week's Torah portion describes the laws of buying and selling. Our sages teach us that a person can not acquire something that has not yet 'entered this world'. However, a promise to donate something that does not yet exist must be kept when it does come into existence.
![]() Audio | 29:01
An in depth presentation of Chassidic teachings on the weekly Parshah.
![]() Audio | 17:55 Advanced
An advanced presentation of Chassidic teachings on the Parshah.
![]() Audio | 47:03
Parsha Behar
The Sages say that he who acquires a slave acquires a master for himself. What are the rules that govern indentured servitude? Maimonides "Laws of Slaves" is used as a primary source. (Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 37)
![]() Audio | 1:17:32
How to Study Torah - Behar-Bechukotai
What does the Torah say about this thankfully antiquated practice? If slavery as an institution is recognized by the Bible, how do we reconcile this with the eternality of the Torah?
![]() Audio | 1:08:51
Practical Parshah - Behar
The agricultural restrictions of the seventh (shemita) year, how it is practiced by Jewish farmers in the Land of Israel today, and how it affects kosher consumers.
![]() Audio | 24:58
Life Lessons from Parshat Behar
The Torah specifically links the mitzvah of resting on the Sabbatical year to Mount Sinai. This demonstrates a powerful lesson in the proper approach to work and higher living.
![]() Audio | 52:49
The 24th chapter of Tractate Keilim deals with laws of ritual impurity (tumah) as it applies to various vessels, foremost amongst them the different type of shields—for combat, for training purposes and for sport. This class will address the spiritual dimension of these laws and their personal application in the service of G-d. (Based on Sefer Hasichos 5750, p. 695)
![]() Audio | 1:09:49
Shemita: an oasis of calm every seven years
The parshah of Behar opens with the mitzvah of Shemita, the grounding injunction to refrain working the Holy Land’s soil every seven years. This ground-breaking class uncovers treasures buried just beneath the crust of this most unusual biblical commandment. In addition to garnering a clear understanding of the exceptional scriptural syntax and a range of unique Torah teachings, you’ll discover a whole new level of consciousness and learn how to retain an oasis of calm even as some of the structures we may have centred our lives around appear to be collapsing!
![]() Audio | 1:02:04 Advanced
Exploring Rashi’s commentary on why the Torah links Shemitah to Sinai
Rashi maps out when the different elements of Judaism were originally taught and the Rebbe derives from it a fascinating insight into how we practice Judaism.
![]() Audio | 48:59 Advanced
Exploring Rashi’s commentary on the kids being freed
In ancient times, a destitute man could sell himself as a slave. Are his children enslaved with him? A fascinating insight with a powerful lesson about our difficult Jewish history.
![]() Audio | 40:36 Advanced
Exploring Rashi’s commentary on the words ‘Shabbos to Hashem’ by Shemittah
Shabbos is a weekly rest, while Shemittah is agricultural pause every seven years. Together, they teach us how a Jewish person should engage the world. Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 12, Behar (sicha 1)
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