

5 Tips How to Thrive (Not Just Survive) This Winter in Isolation
The pandemic continues to rage. Yes, we are surviving, and that is good. But if you’re like me, you want to do more than survive. You want to thrive.
10 Things You Can Do for People in Quarantine
Even now there are many things that we can safely do to help others.
Psalm 121... Psalm 130... Psalm 91... Adon Olam... Ana B'choach... V'al Ken Ne'kaveh... The Shema and verses of unity
Coronavirus Quarantine Kaddish Service
Coronavirus Preventing You From Saying Kaddish? We Can Help
Enroll in an Online Course
Advance your Jewish knowledge with Chabad.org's online courses
Entertain the Young Ones with JewishKids.org
The Place for Jewish Kids!
Check out the "Kids Zone" featuring fascinating and engaging games, activities, stories and more on Jewish holidays and other Jewish topics, geared towards children.
9 Ways to Stay Sane With Kids at Home
Rediscover your inner child and play along. Be flexible. Resisting is not going to help in this particular situation.
How to Stay Calm and Happy in the Coronavirus Days
An affirmation for level-headedness
How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus
It’s an evolving, ongoing conversation, but it’s important to start now.
Menachem’s Guide to Surviving Isolation or Quarantine
How are we going to make it through what may be a rough few weeks? Here are my personal tips and hacks.
4 Spirit Boosters for the Corona Fiscal Blues
I feel rather depressed. I’m not doing anything important and have not yet found another job. But most of all, I miss having a sense of purpose and identity.
4 Lessons for Parents and Teachers on Distance Learning
There are four main ingredients to make distance learning successful, which we can then hope to apply back in our lives and classrooms once life goes back to some semblance of normal.
Three New Texts to Help You Maintain Your Faith
Coronavirus and all it brings have shaken the very pillars of our lives. More than ever, faith takes a central role as we struggle to maintain our equilibrium and sense of direction. But what is faith and how is it attained?
A Selection of Letters from the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Faith
The Rebbe encourages us to strengthen our faith and observance of Torah and Mitzvot, in times of crisis. 
Interview: How to Find Purpose in Isolation
Rabbi Tuvia Teldon to host a four-week online course on individual aspiration
Psalm 23: L-rd Is My Shepherd
Psalm 23, written by King David, is a timeless testament to the rock-solid faith of the Jewish people in knowing that G‑d is always with us, protecting and guiding our path.
18 Self-Care Activities to Easily Do During the Day
I thought the 21st century was challenging enough, but COVID has upped the ante. A lot of us are not managing very well at all.
10 Ways to Celebrate 10 Shevat
Looking for ways to channel this day’s inspiration into your life? Here are our suggestions.
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