
Upsherin Video

Video | 4:24
A Boy’s First Haircut
An Upsherin is the traditional “first haircut” ceremony held on a boy’s third birthday. This ceremony marks the start of the child’s formal education, and is highlighted by leaving the child’s payot, and his starting to wear a kippah and tzitzit.
Reflections on
The Number Three
Video | 25:00
The Number Three
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Tazria
In the verse Leviticus 13:33, the word "v'hitgalach" meaning "he shall shave" has a large-sized letter gimmel. The letter gimmel is numerically equivalent to the number 3. What is the connection between the number three, Biblical leprosy, removing hair, and the time of the Omer count?
Upsherin and Bar & Bat Mitzvah
The first haircut and entering adulthood
What is an upsherin, and what’s the message behind this ceremonious haircut? What transformation occurs at a bar or bat mitzvah, and how can we tap into this new energy?
Video | 2:05
5747-5750, 1987-1990
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