
Daily Mitzvah (Rambam)

Day 161: Positive Commandment 89; Negative Commandment 145, 148; Note About Varying Customs

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Positive Commandment 89 (Digest)
Consumption of the Sacrificial Flesh

"And they shall eat [the sacrifices] with which atonement was made"Exodus 29:33.

The kohanim (priests) are commanded to eat the flesh of the sacrifices. This includes the flesh of the Sin and Guilt Offerings—for which the priests' consumption actually effects the desired atonement—as well as all the other sacrifices and even the Terumah tithe.

There are two types of sacrifices: the "holy of holies" and the "holy." [Examples of the "holy of holies" are the Sin and Guilt Offerings. Examples of the "holy" are the Peace Offering and the Firstborn.] The former class of sacrifices must be eaten by male priests only, on the day when the sacrifice was offered or the night that follows. The latter class can be eaten by priests and their wives and children, until the nightfall of the day following the offering of the sacrifice (with the exception of the Thanksgiving Offering and the Nazirite Ram, which though they are of the "holy" class, they share the more stringent time restriction of the "holy of holies").

Negative Commandment 145 (Digest)
Consuming Offerings outside their Prescribed Boundary

"You may not eat within your gates..."Deuteronomy 12:17.

It is forbidden – even for a priest – to consume of the flesh of a Sin or Guilt Offering outside the Temple Courtyard. Similarly, it is forbidden for anyone to consume of the flesh of other sacrifices outside the walls of Jerusalem.

Negative Commandment 148 (Digest)
A Non-Priest Partaking of the Holiest Sacrifices

"But a stranger shall not eat of them because they are holy"Exodus 29:33.

A non-priest may not eat of the "Holy of Holies" sacrifices (e.g., the flesh of the Sin Offering).

Note About Varying Customs

In some editions of the Sefer Hamitzvot Schedule, today's Sefer Hamitzvot (Day 161) has Negative Mitzvah 149 listed instead of Negative Mitzvah 148 (and Day 140 has Negative Mitzvah 148 instead of 149).

From Sefer Hamitzvot, published and copyright by Sichos in English. To purchase the Sefer Hamitzvot two-volume set, please click here.
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Daily Quote
No sooner was [Abraham] weaned -- and he was but a small child -- that his mind began to seek and wonder: How do the heavenly bodies orbit without a moving force? Who moves them? They cannot move themselves! Immersed amongst the foolish idol-worshippers of Ur Casdim, he had no one to teach him anything; his father, mother and countrymen, and he amongst them, all worshipped idols. But his heart sought, and came to know that there is one G-d... who created all and that in all existence there is none other than Him. He came to know that the entire world erred...
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