
Daily Mitzvah (Rambam)

Day 20: Positive Commandment 73, 10

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Important Message Regarding This Lesson

The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track.

Positive Commandment 73 (Digest)
Confessing Sins

"And he shall confess that he has sinned"Leviticus 5:5.

One who has sinned is obligated to verbally confess and say, "Please, G‑d, I have sinned by doing..." The individual should then elaborate to the best of his ability and ask G‑d for atonement. This mitzvah applies whether the sin was against G‑d or against a fellow man.

Even in the times of the Holy Temple when a person would bring a sin-offering to attain forgiveness, he was still required to orally confess his sin. The same for those who were guilty of capital offenses, they were asked to confess their sin prior to their execution.

Positive Commandment 10 (Digest)
The Shema

"And you shall talk of them ... when you lie down and when you rise up"Deuteronomy 6:7.

We are commanded to recite the Shema twice daily: morning and night. Women are not obligated in this time-bound mitzvah.

From Sefer Hamitzvot, published and copyright by Sichos in English. To purchase the Sefer Hamitzvot two-volume set, please click here.
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Daily Quote
When G-d split the Red Sea, all the water in the world divided, even the waters in cisterns and ditches, in jars, cups, casks and bowls.
  –Midrash Mechilta
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