Red cup.

Blue cup.

One cup.

Two cup.

My cup.

Your cup.

My cup right now is a computer. When you read this, so is yours.

The laundry room I'm sitting in is a cup.

The bus and train I travel to work in are cups.

One cup.

Two cup.

Computer cup.

Bus cup.

What's a cup? A cup is a container. A vessel. An empty space meant to be filled.

Is your cup filled with vitamins and nutrients, all the things essential for life?

Or is your cup filled with soda, just empty calories and gassy bubbles?

Red cup.

Blue cup.

Healthy cup.

Soda cup.

Your work is a cup. Your free time is a cup.

What are you doing with your cup?

Are you filling your cup with more cups? Or are you trying to get some nutrition in there?

Is your free time really free or is it the empty calories of reality shows?

My cup. Your cup.

Weekday cup. Shabbat cup.

Are you getting that great miracle elixir on Shabbat, the kind of drink that's flowing freely from Heaven, the kind that you only need to stretch out your hand to receive?

Your heart is a cup. Your brain is a cup. Your muscles are cups. Every physical part of your life is a cup. Cups are everywhere.

What are in your cups?