The Chabad Jewish Student Center serving Texas A&M University managed a special Passover dining program, providing students with meals throughout the eight-day holiday.

In addition, at the request of Cadet Training Officer Lt. Col. Bill Bryne, the center, supplied members of the school's Corps of Cadets with Passover meals for its Jewish members.

"The Passover meals were awesome," said Cadet Chad Davis, who is studying finance at A&M.

According to Rabbi Yossi Lazaroff, co-director with wife Manya Lazaroff of Chabad-Lubavitch of Brazos Valley, some 120 students attended each of the two interactive. Passover Seders at the beginning of the holiday. The dining program for the other days grew out of students' requests in the weeks leading up to Passover.

Similar efforts took place at each of the 130 campus-based Chabad Houses throughout the world.

"It is difficult to keep kosher on campus, and we are the only place available to students who are serious about keeping Passover," said the rabbi. "Chabad supplied many students with lunch and dinner, and offered free delivery."

Said mechanical engineering grad student David Dempsey: "This was the easiest Passover I've ever had."