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Global Impact
Chabad-Lubavitch is the largest and fastest growing Jewish organization. Today, 4,900 Chabad-Lubavitch emissary families, or shluchim, operate 3,500 institutions, in 100 countries and territories, with activities in many more.
The Chabad on Campus International network is comprised of the largest group of campus rabbis and trained Jewish educators serving college students in the world.
Chabad on Campus serves students and faculty at 500 campuses, with 284 permanent campus centers.
Chabad on Campus is active on dozens of campuses outside of the United States. Some countries include Canada, Israel, UK, Austria, Germany, France, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Argentina, China, and Australia.
Chabad on Campus has experienced rapid growth on campus over the last fifteen year that still continues today. In 2013 Chabad on Campus added 20 new campus centers.
The first permanent Chabad House on campus was established in 1969 at UCLA after decades of campus activities, since the 1940’s. Chabad’s first national Jewish campus retreat was in 1962.
Sinai Scholars Society, a joint initiative of the Chabad on Campus International and The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, has seen 24,560 students complete the program since its inception. The program started in 2005 on three campuses and for the 2018-2019 academic year it welcomed students on 150 campuses.
On the Web: is the largest faith-based website with 52 million unique visitors last year and with 102,129 content pages covering all areas of Judaism, it serves as Judaism’s homepage for millions since the late 1980s.
Answering questions since the late 1980's,'s Ask-the-Rabbi service is the first and most comprehensive service of it’s kind. is a site dedicated to providing Jewish women of all backgrounds intellectually challenging, emotionally uplifting and inspirationally stimulating articles. Video is the largest Jewish video site. The site boasts over 20,000 multimedia titles, from children’s entertainment to in-depth Talmud study.
Chabad-Lubavitch operates more than 1,000 schools, preschools and other educational institutions around the globe.
Social Services
Colel Chabad:
Colel Chabad, founded in 1788, presently operates 19 soup kitchens in Israel. These kitchens feed 3,000 poor and elderly people daily. A Meals on Wheels program delivers 1,500 meals daily to the homebound, sick and elderly through five kitchens nationwide. The charity's food banks, constituting Israel's largest food-bank network, distribute crates of foodstuffs to 5,000 impoverished families monthly and 25,000 families before Passover and Rosh Hashanah.
In 2009, Colel Chabad opened its own chain of at-cost stores. An estimated 12,000-15,000 shoppers per month patronize the stores, realizing savings of 30-40% off groceries and cleaning supplies.
Colel Chabad sponsors several medical centers serving the poor.
Colel Chabad also pioneered the concept of hospital summer camps. Volunteers bring counselors, activities, carnivals, music, and arts and crafts directly to hospitalized children.These centers care for over 750 children ages six months to five years daily.
Colel Chabad has a separate division catering to the needs of widows and orphans. It provides food, clothing and social services for nearly 300 widows and more than 620 children annually. It also arranges tutors for more than 800 children, regular physical testing of each child, and home visits by social workers.
In 1991, Colel Chabad began organizing mass bar mitzvahs for Russian immigrants to Israel who had not been able to keep Jewish traditions in their homeland. To date, the organization has performed over 17,000 bar and bat mitzvahs. The annual event for 1,000 Russian-immigrant boys and girls takes place at the Western Wall.
Since 1997, Colel Chabad has subsidized weddings for needy couples. The charity pays for 40% of weddings for poor couples and 50% for children of widows, accounting for a total of 440 subsidized weddings annually.
Friendship Circle:
The Friendship Circle is a non-profit organization that provides programs and support for children with special needs and their families, pairing teen volunteers with a “special friend.” Founded in 1994, the Friendship circle operates in 81 cities around the world, has had more than 100,000 teens volunteer.
PRISONS - The Aleph Institute, founded in 1981, provides professional services to nearly 4,000 men and women in federal and state prisons across the United States and their approximately 25,000 spouses, children and parents left behind. During the High Holidays, Aleph organizes services at a number of prisons. In 2013, High Holiday services were organized in 30 Prisons in 9 states across the US.
MILITARY - The Aleph Institute, has been distributing thousands of packages to soldiers for every Jewish holiday including Purim, Passover, High Holidays and Chanukah. These packages are sent to over 100 Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine bases in the United States and to personnel stationed all over the world. Aleph has also shipped over 2,000 soft-cover pocket-sized Hebrew/English Psalm books and specially camouflaged Chumashim (Torah Bibles) along with other religious books for military personnel to carry with them and turn to for prayer and inspiration at all times.
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