
Ma tovu oholecha Yaakov mishkenosecha Yisroel
Ma tovu oholecha Yaakov mishkenosecha Yisroel

The Jewish nation Balak wanted to destroy
It was Bilam he decided to employ
Balak said curse the people that you see
They are becoming too great for me

Bilam was a very greedy man
For wealth he would do what he can
He told Balak the Jews I will meet
But only Hashem’s word I can repeat

Ma tovu oholecha Yaakov mishkenosecha Yisroel
Ma tovu oholecha Yaakov mishkenosecha Yisroel

The Jewish tents were arranged just so
Privacy for each family these did show
When these tents Bilam saw at first
He gave a brachah he could not curse

Mah tovu were the words of the brachah
To each and every Jewish mishpacha
Now in shachris we say mah tovu
For family unity is part of every Jew