
Shavuot Stories

The Best Merchandise... The Man Who Celebrated Tikkun-Night... Everyone Had a Chance... The Guarantee...The Day of Days...

The Story of Shavuot (Animated)
Animated Edition
The Story of Shavuot
A simple rendering intended to be read aloud to small children
Thunder and lightning rent the air, and the sound of the shofar was heard growing strangely louder and louder
Saved by the Coffee Cups
Suddenly he heard his name called. “Ya, Matzliach! You’re just the man I want! His Majesty sent me out to buy a set of antique coffee cups. I have no idea where to get them . . .”
Zaidy Pinchas' Torah
Zaidy embraced the Torah for the last time and gently laid it, in its wooden case, under a tree. He lifted his young child in his arms and journeyed on through the forest
Jewish Story Time

The Itche Kadoozy Show