
Parenting 101: Teaching to Read Between the Lines

20 Menachem Av, 5741 · August 20, 1981

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Parenting 101: Teaching to Read Between the Lines: 20 Menachem Av, 5741 · August 20, 1981

On the very first word of the Torah, “Breishis”, the Talmud comments: “Do not just read it ‘Breishis — In the beginning’, but ‘Bara Shis — He created a foundation.’” The very first step in the service of G-d is to learn to see beneath the world’s surface, to its “foundation” — G-d, the Creator.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Parenting 101: Teaching to Read Between the Lines
20 Menachem Av, 5741 · August 20, 1981
Disc 65, Program 259

Event Date: 20 Av 5741 - August 20, 1981

On the very first word of the Torah, “Breishis”, the Talmud comments: “Do not just read it ‘Breishis — In the beginning’, but ‘Bara Shis — He created a foundation.’” The very first step in the service of G-d is to learn to see beneath the world’s surface, to its “foundation” — G-d, the Creator.

This is also the basis of Jewish education: A child must be taught to see through the exterior of physical things, to discern what is fitting for him as a Jew, and what is not.

The child’s family will learn from his example to see beneath the surface, as well. They will realize that the laws of nature themselves were created by G-d, and that nature’s continued existence depends upon man’s observance of G-d’s commands.

When the Jews accepted the Torah G-d stabilized the world. When one sees “instability” in the world, the first response must be to individually and collectively reinforce the foundation upon which the earth was formed: faith in G-d, the Creator.

Living Torah

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Anonymous August 28, 2009

reading between the lines My grandfather who is not jewish, taught me as a child to always look beneath the surface. Things are never what they seem. However, the Jewish teachings go even further. They look to God for blessings, and meaning. How inspiring to hear this video, and so true is its warning. Reply

Druh Rebekah [Rivka] Caverhill Calgary, Canada August 24, 2009

Audio and Video I am so thrilled with the content and instruction that I receive from your selection of audio and video selections that you present. I have told my friends that wish to partake of this inspirational work. Reply

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