
“And the Rebbe Teaches the Small Children Alef Beis…”

30 Menachem Av, 5742 · August 19, 1982

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“And the Rebbe Teaches the Small Children Alef Beis…”: 30 Menachem Av, 5742 · August 19, 1982

The Lubavitcher Rebbes were emphatic that children be taught the Hebrew letters and vowels separately, and only afterwards how to pronounce them together — for example, to recite: "Kumatz-Alef — Uh". Each individual letter, vowel and sound was given at Sinai, and therefore, each must be articulated in its own right.
Aleph-Beit, Lubavitcher Rebbe
“And the Rebbe Teaches the Small Children Alef Beis…”
30 Menachem Av, 5742 · August 19, 1982
Disc 64, Program 256

Event Date: 30 Av 5742 - August 19, 1982

The Lubavitcher Rebbes were emphatic that children be taught the Hebrew letters and vowels separately, and only afterwards how to pronounce them together — for example, to recite: "Kumatz-Alef — Uh". Each individual letter, vowel and sound was given at Sinai, and therefore, each must be articulated in its own right.

My father-in-law explained the meaning of Kumatz-Alef — Uh: It instills within the child the first letter of the Ten Commandments, the Alef of “Anochi — I am the Lord your G-d.” “Anochi” encapsulates the whole first Commandment, which encapsulates all Ten Commandments, which encapsulate the entire Written Torah, which includes the entire Oral Torah… This is all included in the Alef of "Anochi."

The letters of "Anochi" themselves form initials: "Ana Nafshi Ksovis Yehovis – I have inscribed and given My Soul in Torah.” The Alef of "Ana — I” refers to G-d A-lmighty’s very Essence. At that level vowels are entirely immaterial, for a vowel is already commentary on the letter. Children, therefore, must first be given the chance to absorb the Alef on its own — representing G-d’s absolute oneness, and this forms the very foundation of their Judaism.

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Ms. Ezza Amitai August 6, 2009

Oneness - Alef The Rebbe's teachings resonate through my soul at such a deep level, blessed be his memory. The truth he speaks shines, and rings like a bell in the heart.

The beautiful image of tiny Jewish babies learning Alef is endearing and delightful. I am constantly grateful to all of Am Yisroel who have gone before me, in their efforts to bring Torah safely through all kinds of places and world situations, to bless and light my life, B"H. The mothers singing and teaching Lashon Kodesh, the fathers reading, studying, writing Sefer Torah; how proud, how much naches G-d must feel for His Own precious children. Blessed is the L-rd, and His servants, The Rebbe, Chabad, and all Am Yisroel. Reply

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