
A Safe Israel Is a Safe America

28 Tishrei, 5752 · October 6, 1991

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A Safe Israel Is a Safe America: 28 Tishrei, 5752 · October 6, 1991

Israel’s welfare is in the best interest of the United States, because Israel is the front line against the Arabs. The Arabs are against the United States no less than they are against Israel — and perhaps even more so! And it is imperative that there be a strong Israel in order to inhibit the influence of Syria, Iran, and the other hostile countries in the Middle East.
Iran, Syria, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Israel, Lubavitcher Rebbe
A Safe Israel Is a Safe America
28 Tishrei, 5752 · October 6, 1991
Disc 64, Program 253

Event Date: 28 Tishrei 5752 - October 06, 1991
Living Torah

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