
…Nothing But the Truth, So Help You G-d

20 Menachem Av, 5735 · July 28, 1975

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…Nothing But the Truth, So Help You G-d: 20 Menachem Av, 5735 · July 28, 1975

Torah is eternal. “Eternal,” by definition, means that at all times and in all places, everything stated in Torah is true. The Jerusalem Talmud points out that in Hebrew the word ‘Emes — Truth’ is spelled: Alef-Mem-Tof — Alef is the first letter of the alphabet, Tof is the last letter of the alphabet, and Mem is the middle letter. This signifies that truth is that which is consistent from beginning to end without compromise.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
…Nothing But the Truth, So Help You G-d
20 Menachem Av, 5735 · July 28, 1975
Disc 62, Program 246

Event Date: 20 Av 5735 - July 28, 1975

Torah is eternal. “Eternal,” by definition, means that at all times and in all places, everything stated in Torah is true. The Jerusalem Talmud points out that in Hebrew the word ‘Emes — Truth’ is spelled: Alef-Mem-Tof — Alef is the first letter of the alphabet, Tof is the last letter of the alphabet, and Mem is the middle letter. This signifies that truth is that which is consistent from beginning to end without compromise.

In order for Torah’s truth to affect a world of multiplicity, G-d created a nation that also embodies these two opposites: A nation of individuals who, at the same time, are all rooted in G-d’s simple Unity. The Jew is able to reveal G-d’s oneness in creation by remaining connected to the source — the Torah of Truth. By connecting to the “eternal Torah,” they become the “eternal people in the land,” succeeding in their mission to make this world a dwelling place for G-d.

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