The Power of Children
Purim, 5743 · February 27, 1983
The Power of Children: Purim, 5743 · February 27, 1983Mordechai gathered thousands of Jewish children to study Torah and pray to G-d to save the
Jews from annihilation. Only when the innocent voices of the children ascended On High, did
the Almighty annul the decree and replace it with the opposite — boundless joy.
The Power of Children
Purim, 5743 · February 27, 1983
Disc 59, Program 235
Event Date: 14 Adar 5743 - February 27, 1983
Mordechai gathered thousands of Jewish children to study Torah and pray to G-d to save the Jews from annihilation. Only when the innocent voices of the children ascended On High, did the Almighty annul the decree and replace it with the opposite — boundless joy. It is imperative to intensify all efforts for the Education Campaign, and to reach every single Jewish boy and girl. It is our responsibility to alert every Jewish mother and father — who themselves are the innocent victims of lack of Jewish education — that it is essential for a Jewish child to grow up with his Jewish heritage. This does not require a total shift of the parents’ thinking. In recent years, most people have realized that money does not give life meaning. They need to simply be educated about things they never heard from their own parents: That a Jew has, and needs, his own heritage. We are assued that “Words that come from the heart, will enter the heart” and have the proper impact. |
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