
Free Will

12 Tammuz, 5740 · June 26, 1980

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Free Will: 12 Tammuz, 5740 · June 26, 1980

An address on the Previous Rebbe's 100th birthday anniversary: The Midrash teaches that G-d created gold only for the Holy Temple. Why, then, did He place gold all over the world, where it can also be used for mundane purposes? Similarly, why did G-d allow His Torah to be lowered from its loftiest heights, to the point that even someone who seeks to misuse it, can comprehend it?
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Free Will
12 Tammuz, 5740 · June 26, 1980
Disc 59, Program 233

Event Date: 12 Tammuz 5740 - June 26, 1980

An address on the Previous Rebbe's 100th birthday anniversary:

The Midrash teaches that G-d created gold only for the Holy Temple. Why, then, did He place gold all over the world, where it can also be used for mundane purposes? Similarly, why did G-d allow His Torah to be lowered from its loftiest heights, to the point that even someone who seeks to misuse it, can comprehend it?

The answer: G-d did this in order to give man free will — to allow man to resemble Him.

My father-in-law, the Rebbe urged that we devote ourselves to returning fellow Jews to Judaism. But what is so wrong with also spending some time with other, trivial matters?

Even the smallest neglect of one’s mission is connected with the most sublime power of his innermost soul — his free will; if it is wasted, it is harmful. On this day, the Rebbe’s birthday, when his Mazel shines most strongly, we are granted additional strength to fully succeed in his mission.

Living Torah

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anonymous May 29, 2023

WOW Reply

MS February 24, 2009

Thank You, Rebbe! Your words are timeless and as relevant today as always. You would be so proud of the women of our community, who are showing much unity! Reply

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