An End to Tears
22 Adar 5748 · March 10, 1988
An End to Tears: 22 Adar 5748 · March 10, 1988The Baal Shem Tov teaches that with everything a Jew experiences, he must contemplate
what he must learn from it. How much more so when a person loses a loved one, when the
verse itself instructs, “The living shall take to heart.“
An End to Tears
22 Adar 5748 · March 10, 1988
Disc 58, Program 232
Event Date: 21 Adar 5748 - March 10, 1988
The Baal Shem Tov teaches that with everything a Jew experiences, he must contemplate what he must learn from it. How much more so when a person loses a loved one, when the verse itself instructs, “The living shall take to heart.“ Torah distinguishes various phases of “taking to heart.“ The three days after the passing are a time for grieving and tears; the rest of Shiva is a time for mourning; the first thirty-day period is a period of lesser mourning, followed by the entire first year. If unlimited anguish continues after the appropriate time, it would be contrary to Torah’s instruction. Just as during the first three days the “taking to heart“ must bring about weeping, afterwards it must specifically not do so. We continue to recite Kaddish, study Mishna, and perform Mitzvos in memory of the soul, and so too, the “taking to heart“ must continue — but in a balanced, meaningful way for the future; until the true and complete Redemption, when all will be reunited with their loved ones. |
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