
Every Mitzvah is Precious

7 Tishrei, 5752 · September 15, 1991

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Every Mitzvah is Precious: 7 Tishrei, 5752 · September 15, 1991

Every Mitzvah a person performs is a “favor” for G-d, so to speak. Although your father is upset that he is not well enough to observe certain obligations, emphasize to him that all the possible good things of this world do not match even one favor he is able to do for G-d.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Every Mitzvah is Precious
7 Tishrei, 5752 · September 15, 1991
Disc 58, Program 229

Event Date: 7 Tishrei 5752 - September 15, 1991
Living Torah

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