Don't Wait for Me
17 Sivan, 5750 · June 10, 1990
Living Torah
Don't Wait for Me: 17 Sivan, 5750 · June 10, 1990This dollar is a small amount, but it symbolizes a much larger sum. On every dollar is written,
“In G-d We Trust.” All of us will trust in G-d Almighty, and He will help us realize and “cash in”
all this trust. You are able to do your activities more than I, and you can sometimes advance
much more — or much better — than I can.
Don't Wait for Me
17 Sivan, 5750 · June 10, 1990
Disc 54, Program 216
Event Date: 17 Sivan 5750 - June 10, 1990
Living Torah
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