
When Do the Good Times Start?

11 Nissan, 5732 · March 26, 1972

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When Do the Good Times Start?: 11 Nissan, 5732 · March 26, 1972

"G-d placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to work and protect it." The Talmud explains that toil is not a consequence of sin, but rather G-d's original intention for mankind.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
When Do the Good Times Start?
11 Nissan, 5732 · March 26, 1972
Disc 54, Program 216

Event Date: 11 Nissan 5732 - March 26, 1972

"G-d placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to work and protect it." The Talmud explains that toil is not a consequence of sin, but rather G-d's original intention for mankind.

The same was with the creation of the Jewish people: When G-d told Moses to redeem the nation from Egypt, there was no immediate talk of "freedom," or of the beautiful and bountiful land they were to inherit. Rather, G-d stressed that they were redeemed "to serve Me upon this mountain."

The only way to attain personal wholeness is through toil. We see in human nature that if one receives an undeserved gift, he feels shame in enjoying it. G-d wants every person to enjoy the utmost good, so He created the opportunity for man to "serve" Him, "to work and protect the Garden." Then man is able to fully receive and enjoy his hard-earned reward, and experience true fulfillment.

Living Torah

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Mike January 13, 2009

wow This talk put something into perspective for me. All my life, I have wondered why G-d makes our lives difficult, even though we do our very best to satisfy Him. Now I understand that we are not punished with hardship, but rather that these challenges were intended to serve G-d and that this was the original intention from the beginning of mankinds creation. Wonderful! Reply

Menachem Posner for Chabad.org October 28, 2008

RE: Where While the Rebbe quotes a number of verses, this talk is based primarily on "Now the L-rd G-d took the man, and He placed him in the Garden of Eden to work it and to guard it (Gen. 2.15)." Reply

Zachary Schwartz los angeles, ca October 27, 2008

Where What verse is the Rebbe referring to in particular, thank you Reply

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