
Three Pillars

12 Tammuz, 5740 · June 26, 1980

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Three Pillars: 12 Tammuz, 5740 · June 26, 1980

In discussing the essence of prayer, Maimonides explains that whenever a Jew is in need of anything, he is obligated to pray. But what gives a human the right to ask and expect his needs from G-d?
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Three Pillars
12 Tammuz, 5740 · June 26, 1980
Disc 54, Program 215

Event Date: 12 Tammuz 5740 - June 26, 1980

In discussing the essence of prayer, Maimonides explains that whenever a Jew is in need of anything, he is obligated to pray. But what gives a human the right to ask and expect his needs from G-d?

The Answer: Charity. When one precedes prayer with charity, providing for someone else’s needs, Torah empowers him to request and expect G-d's help, for “G-d treats man, as man treats his fellow.” And when he goes from the synagogue to the study hall, and he asks G-d to grant him true understanding of Torah, he will also enjoy success far beyond all limitations.

"The three pillars upon which the world stands" are Torah, prayer and charity. The three must not stand separately — Torah study on its own, prayer on its own and charity on its own; rather, "the three-threaded rope will not easily be broken." Woven and bound together as one they become an unbreakable source of spiritual fortitude.

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