AtonementThe Midrash relates that when Moses foresaw that the Holy Temple would be destroyed and
Jews would be unable to offer sacrifices in atonement, he asked G-d: “What will we do
then?” G-d replied: “Jews should gather as one group to recite Selichos, and I will pardon
Disc 53, Program 210
Event Date: 27 Elul 5740 - September 08, 1980
The Midrash relates that when Moses foresaw that the Holy Temple would be destroyed and Jews would be unable to offer sacrifices in atonement, he asked G-d: “What will we do then?” G-d replied: “Jews should gather as one group to recite Selichos, and I will pardon them.” But the Midrash does not stop there. It continues to relate that G-d “donned Talis and Tefillin,” so to speak, and recited the Thirteen Attributes of Divine Mercy. G-d Himself showed how to recite Selichos so that Jews would be certain of His forgiveness even in times of exile. G-d is with every Jew, in whatever situation they may be; even in a state which requires Teshuvah, G-d still dwells among them - with them and within them. And He inscribes His People for a good and sweet year, and for complete physical and spiritual health. |
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