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The Midrash relates that when Moses foresaw that the Holy Temple would be destroyed and Jews would be unable to offer sacrifices in atonement, he asked G-d: “What will we do then?” G-d replied: “Jews should gather as one group to recite Selichos, and I will pardon them.”
Teshuvah, Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, Selichot, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Disc 53, Program 210

Event Date: 27 Elul 5740 - September 08, 1980

The Midrash relates that when Moses foresaw that the Holy Temple would be destroyed and Jews would be unable to offer sacrifices in atonement, he asked G-d: “What will we do then?” G-d replied: “Jews should gather as one group to recite Selichos, and I will pardon them.”

But the Midrash does not stop there. It continues to relate that G-d “donned Talis and Tefillin,” so to speak, and recited the Thirteen Attributes of Divine Mercy. G-d Himself showed how to recite Selichos so that Jews would be certain of His forgiveness even in times of exile.

G-d is with every Jew, in whatever situation they may be; even in a state which requires Teshuvah, G-d still dwells among them - with them and within them. And He inscribes His People for a good and sweet year, and for complete physical and spiritual health.

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Victor Lyons Taloga September 7, 2023

Please give me chapter and verses relating to G d telling this to Moses. Reply

David Harold Chester Petach Tikva, Israel September 16, 2022

Since we have sufficient faith in our Heavenly Father to treat us in a just way, there seems to me to be no need for any gathering of us in order to attone. A single voice also presumably will be heard. It would be unjust if this were not the case or indeed if that voice were treated differently to the situation when a congregation asks for forgiveness.

If I am wrong in this claim, then it seems to me that the idea of justice needs to be qualified in some new way!.. Reply

Miryam Usa September 7, 2021

Please post a PDF in English and Spanish. Then other languages that would be helpful to everyone. Today rabbah Reply

Anonymous January 28, 2013

Interesting.... Where is what the midrash spoke about in the tanach? Reply

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