
Ad Mosai? Until When?

Hoshana Rabba, 5744 · September 28, 1983

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Ad Mosai? Until When?: Hoshana Rabba, 5744 · September 28, 1983

Concerning the future Redemption, the prophet declares, “I will offer thanks to You, G-d, for Your wrath,” for at that time, the good hidden in all mankind’s suffering will be made clear.
Galut, Redemption, Yearning for and Anticipating, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Ad Mosai? Until When?
Hoshana Rabba, 5744 · September 28, 1983
Disc 52, Program 205

Event Date: 21 Tishrei 5744 - September 28, 1983

Concerning the future Redemption, the prophet declares, “I will offer thanks to You, G-d, for Your wrath,” for at that time, the good hidden in all mankind’s suffering will be made clear.But why must this be concealed from us until then? Torah is called “The Torah of Light,” for through it G-d reveals profound truths to mankind; what makes this mystery so ineffable?

A possible answer: G-d wants Man to cry out with deepest sincerity, “We long for You, all day!” If a person could grasp in any way the “goodness” of exile, he could not cry out for the Redemption from the depths of his soul.

At the same time, a Jew is expected to serve G-d with genuine joy - and through this he tears down the barriers of exile. To spare a single Jew even a moment in exile is worthwhile; how much more so when all Jewish souls, since the Giving of the Torah, are all waiting in a state of exile, yearning for redemption.

Living Torah

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K Olito UK June 12, 2024

Thank you for this powerful video of the Rebbe. Reply

Isaiah Prince Perez Coachella December 21, 2017

To be able to hear those words spoken with such truth and emotion. I was not born in the time of the Rebbe, but He will always hold a place in my heart.

Tears flow out when ever I hear him speak,

Thank you for the video Reply

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