
A Partner in Creation

1 Tammuz, 5751 · June 13, 1991

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A Partner in Creation: 1 Tammuz, 5751 · June 13, 1991

An address to counselors going off to work at summer camp: The Mishna states: “All that G-d created in His universe, He created only for His glory.” The Baal Shem Tov teaches that G-d continues to re-create all of creation at each and every instant. Simultaneously, man is granted the ability to reveal G-d's “glory” within it. And it is the duty of the camp counselors to instill this sense of purpose in their campers in all that they do.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
A Partner in Creation
1 Tammuz, 5751 · June 13, 1991
Disc 51, Program 202

Event Date: 1 Tammuz 5751 - June 13, 1991

An address to counselors going off to work at summer camp:

The Mishna states: “All that G-d created in His universe, He created only for His glory.” The Baal Shem Tov teaches that G-d continues to re-create all of creation at each and every instant. Simultaneously, man is granted the ability to reveal G-d's “glory” within it.

Before a child drinks water, he recites the blessing: “Blessed are you L-rd… by Whose word everything came into existence.” If it is just a little water, why mention all that has come into existence - for over 5,000 years - through G-d's Divine utterance?/p

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