Birthday of the Rebbe Maharash
2 Iyar, 5749 • May 7, 1989
Living Torah
Birthday of the Rebbe Maharash : 2 Iyar, 5749 • May 7, 1989Evening Prayers on the birthday of Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch, the Rebbe Maharash.
“In matters of goodness and holiness, every Jew must strive to incorporate the Rebbe
Maharash's approach of "Lechatchila Ariber" - to not be satisfied with anything less than
‘Over and Above’…”
Birthday of the Rebbe Maharash
2 Iyar, 5749 • May 7, 1989
Disc 48, Program 191
Event Date: 2 Iyar 5749 - May 07, 1989
Living Torah
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