
Life Mimics Art

11 Nissan, 5737 · March 30, 1977

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Life Mimics Art: 11 Nissan, 5737 · March 30, 1977

Artists Vladmir and Gregory Dashevsky present a birthday present to the Rebbe - a painting they made of the Rebbe receiving an Aliyah to the Torah.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Life Mimics Art
11 Nissan, 5737 · March 30, 1977
Disc 47, Program 188

Event Date: 11 Nissan 5737 - March 30, 1977

Artists Vladmir and Gregory Dashevsky present a birthday present to the Rebbe - a painting they made of the Rebbe receiving an Aliyah to the Torah:

Thank you for the gift. The main thing is to strive that it be evident upon you, that you follow in the footsteps of this picture: Torah.

It may take time to learn and understand Torah, but just as you trained to succeed at art, in time you will succeed in Torah as well.

Living Torah

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