Clarity of Purpose: Inner Unity, World Peace
Part 3: 11 Nissan, 5741 · April 15, 1981
Living Torah
Clarity of Purpose: Inner Unity, World Peace: Part 3: 11 Nissan, 5741 · April 15, 1981The best way to heal illness is through preventive measures. The disease of crime is a reality,
but recognizing that it is real should bring about real change. The education system must
reorient itself to stop this disease before it manifests. We are not calling for a "new" resolution,
but rather a return to the values accepted by the citizens of this country and by all nations.
Clarity of Purpose: Inner Unity, World Peace
Part 3: 11 Nissan, 5741 · April 15, 1981
Disc 47, Program 188
Event Date: 11 Nissan 5741 - April 15, 1981
The best way to heal illness is through preventive measures. The disease of crime is a reality, but recognizing that it is real should bring about real change. The education system must reorient itself to stop this disease before it manifests. We are not calling for a "new" resolution, but rather a return to the values accepted by the citizens of this country and by all nations. The education of the nation's youth must be predicated upon the knowledge that a Creator exists Who brought into being everything the child has in life and Who is the Source of the child's strength. Then when he is told: "Do not steal; do not murder…" he will actually be deterred. Then the state of the nation's youth will be healthy. |
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