
Placing of the cornerstone at 770

17 Elul, 5748 · August 30, 1988

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Placing of the cornerstone at 770: 17 Elul, 5748 · August 30, 1988

The Rebbe attends the groudbreaking for the expansion of 770. “G-d created the world from a foundation stone which lies in the Holy of Holies in the Holy Temple. This teaches us that the foundation of every Jewish edifice - whether a physical building or a spiritual undertaking - must be built upon the foundation of Torah.”
770 Eastern Parkway, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Placing of the cornerstone at 770
17 Elul, 5748 · August 30, 1988
Disc 45, Program 178

Event Date: 17 Elul 5748 - August 30, 1988
Living Torah

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