
"Polishing the Buttons"

12 Teves, 5747 · January 13, 1987

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"Polishing the Buttons": 12 Teves, 5747 · January 13, 1987

My father-in-law, the Rebbe, gave us a mission: "Stand ready to greet Moshiach." "Everything is already prepared, all that remains is to 'polish the buttons.'"
Lubavitcher Rebbe
"Polishing the Buttons"
12 Teves, 5747 · January 13, 1987
Disc 43, Program 170

Event Date: 12 Tevet 5747 - January 13, 1987

My father-in-law, the Rebbe, gave us a mission: "Stand ready to greet Moshiach." "Everything is already prepared, all that remains is to 'polish the buttons.'"

The analogy of "polishing the buttons" is a precise one. In the overall picture, buttons are quite minor; they merely serve to fasten a garment onto the person. Spiritually speaking, "to polish the buttons" means that the Jewish People themselves, their "garments" and even their “buttons” are ready for the Redemption. They need to merely be "polished" in order for Moshiach to come.

In practical terms: Every Jew must do their part in this mission by enhancing their Torah study, observance of Mitzvos, and prayer. All those who work to earn a livelihood, should set aside a time during every work day for Torah study. They certainly want to run their businesses according to Torah guidelines, and fixed times for Torah study are a way to assure that a Jewish business runs according to Torah.

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