A Living Will
20 Menachem Av, 5742 • August 9, 1982
A Living Will: 20 Menachem Av, 5742 • August 9, 1982When someone passes on, the bond they share with their loved ones below is not severed. Family and friends alive in this world can continue to bring the soul joy and happiness.
A Living Will
20 Menachem Av, 5742 • August 9, 1982
Disc 38, Program 151
Event Date: 20 Av 5742 - August 09, 1982
When someone passes on, the bond they share with their loved ones below is not severed. Family and friends alive in this world can continue to bring the soul joy and happiness. Torah and Mitzvos can only be fully carried out by someone living in the physical world, for their purpose is to elevate the material realm to its Divine source. Still, so long as one's vision is clouded by the body, it is difficult to perceive the cosmic effects of one’s work in This World. Not so in the World of Truth. There, the soul immediately perceives the lofty effect of every good deed, word and thought. How greatly then does the soul Above yearn to once again study Torah and fulfill Mitzvos in the world below. When a family member, or anyone who feels connected to a person who has departed, studies Torah and performs Mitzvos as an agent of the soul Above, they bring the soul the great satisfaction and spiritual elevation. |
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