
Acts of Goodness and Kindness

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Acts of Goodness and Kindness

To a CNN reporter: “Moshiach is ready to come now, we all must only do something additional in the realm of goodness and kindness.” To a child who comes to the Rebbe by Sunday dollars: “This dollar is for bringing Moshiach. Give it to charity for Moshiach to come faster.”
Sunday Dollars, Charity, Hastening the Redemption, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Acts of Goodness and Kindness
Disc 34, Program 135

Event Date: 12 Cheshvan 5752 - October 20, 1991
Living Torah

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Mr. Zhak Shaw July 11, 2011

Fantastic Leadership The Rebbe was speaking directly to me. How could he have known that in taking stock of my life, I`m feeling and experiencing exactly what he described?! This was very inspiring, and captivating. Thank you so much for making these videos available. Reply

Vogel wilmington, DE June 20, 2008

THE REBBE VIDEO I really enjoyed the video. And I will, bli neder, do more kindness for moshiach to come now!!!!!

Amen! Reply

Anonymous May 5, 2009

Video beautiful. Reply

Anonymous October 26, 2008

having never been in teh awesome presence of the rebbe I was incredibly touched by this clip. Tears are streaming down my cheeks.WE WANT MOSHIACH NOW! Reply

Gavriel Polonsky Beachwood, Ohio August 17, 2008

This is the essence of our service, our mission, the Rebbe's most desired and favorite campaign at present... Let's do it now! Let's do it with happiness!
I Want Moshiach Now! Reply

daniel September 8, 2008

rebbe what a truly beautiful man. he will surely have his portion in eden i have no doubt of this. Reply

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