Moshiach – It’s a Matter of Law
5 Adar II, 5749 • March 12, 1989
Living Torah
Moshiach – It’s a Matter of Law: 5 Adar II, 5749 • March 12, 1989A visit by Rav Yochanan Sofer, Av Beis Din of Erloy. The Rebbe says: “Issue a rabbinic ruling that the world cannot proceed without Moshiach, and the Heavenly Court will be forced to comply.”
Moshiach – It’s a Matter of Law
5 Adar II, 5749 • March 12, 1989
Disc 33, Program 129
Event Date: 5 Adar II 5749 - March 12, 1989
Living Torah
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