
Keep Up the Good Work

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Keep Up the Good Work

On the occasion of his eightieth birthday, the Rebbe gives spirited advice to those approaching the age of retirement: Since “man was created to toil,” if G–d gives us another year in this world, it is proof positive that we still have something to accomplish.
Aging & Retirement, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Keep Up the Good Work
Disc 199, Program 795

Event Date: 11 Nissan 5742 - April 04, 1982

On the occasion of his eightieth birthday, the Rebbe gives spirited advice to those approaching the age of retirement: Since “man was created to toil,” if G–d gives us another year in this world, it is proof positive that we still have something to accomplish.

Simply because one notices that according to his birth certificate, he is now a year older, that does not, G–d forbid, give him an excuse to do less concerning his primary mission in life – to reveal G–dliness in this world by bringing out the best in himself and in all of those around him.

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