
Manuscripts – Historic but New

27 Tammuz, 5749 • July 30, 1989

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Manuscripts – Historic but New: 27 Tammuz, 5749 • July 30, 1989

The manuscripts you found written by the Rebbes of Chabad, and by my father, may have been written years and ages ago, but the teachings are absolutely fresh and new. Thousands of Jews have learned these new teachings, and this merit should bring you success in all that you do.
Manuscripts, R. Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Manuscripts – Historic but New
27 Tammuz, 5749 • July 30, 1989
Disc 30, Program 120

Event Date: 27 Tammuz 5749 - July 30, 1989
Living Torah

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