
The Center of Judaism

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The Center of Judaism

The verse states: “They shall build me a Temple, and I will dwell within them.” Our sages teach us that “within them” refers to every Jewish heart. Each and every single one of us, and the entire Jewish people, all share the mission of bringing the light of Judaism out to the entire world.
Mishkan, Holy Temple, Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Center of Judaism
Disc 195, Program 778

Event Date: 27 Elul 5744 - September 24, 1984

The verse states: “They shall build me a Temple, and I will dwell within them.” Our sages teach us that “within them” refers to every Jewish heart. Each and every single one of us, and the entire Jewish people, all share the mission of bringing the light of Judaism out to the entire world.

The same is true in our personal lives. When one fulfills the Torah with true reverence; when one starts the day with Modeh Ani and accepts G-d over himself, this, in turn, elicits a response from G-d, with blessings from His “full, open, holy and generous hand.”

Living Torah

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Anonymous manchester August 29, 2019

which verse? Reply

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