
The King in the Field

14 Elul, 5740 • August 26, 1980

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The King in the Field: 14 Elul, 5740 • August 26, 1980

The Alter Rebbe teaches that during the month of Elul, G-d is like a “King in the field” – He goes out from his lofty palace to find each and every Jew, wherever they may be. He greets them with a smiling countenance and eagerly hears their requests.
King in the Field, Lubavitcher Rebbe
The King in the Field
14 Elul, 5740 • August 26, 1980
Disc 26, Program 102

Event Date: 14 Elul 5740 - August 26, 1980

The Alter Rebbe teaches that during the month of Elul, G-d is like a “King in the field” – He goes out from his lofty palace to find each and every Jew, wherever they may be. He greets them with a smiling countenance and eagerly hears their requests.

Blowing the Shofar during Elul also proclaims G-d’s Kingship. Not only does it evoke an awe of G-d, it expresses our great joy in crowning Him once again as our King.

When a king is crowned, he bestows gifts upon all those who coronate him. Especially during Elul, all Jews – children and adults alike – present gifts of Torah and Mitzvos to G-d, and He, in turn, showers us with blessings for the new year.

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