
Reaching Bar and Bat Mitzvah


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Reaching Bar and Bat Mitzvah: Collage

May G-d grant success to all the Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. On one’s birthday, one is born anew; may it be with new Mazel in Torah, Mitzvos and all areas of your lives. Every Bar and Bat Mitzvah resolves to constantly grow especially in the commandment to “Love your fellow as yourself.” This inspires them to gather other Jews together and draw them closer to Judaism.
Bar & Bat Mitzvah, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Reaching Bar and Bat Mitzvah
Disc 25, Program 100

May G-d grant success to all the Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. On one’s birthday, one is born anew; may it be with new Mazel in Torah, Mitzvos and all areas of your lives.

Every Bar and Bat Mitzvah resolves to constantly grow especially in the commandment to “Love your fellow as yourself.” This inspires them to gather other Jews together and draw them closer to Judaism.

On the day one becomes Bar or Bat Mitzvah give more charity than usual. The rest of the family should also give additional charity in their honor.

As my personal participation in all these resolutions, I will give each of you a dollar to give for charity on the day of the Bar or Bat Mitzvah.

May G-d bring us out of exile with the Bar Mitzvah boys and Bat Mitzvah girls at our lead.

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