Following G-d’s Lead
20 Iyar, 5740 • May 6, 1980
Following G-d’s Lead: 20 Iyar, 5740 • May 6, 1980After camping at the foot of Mount Sinai, studying their newly received Torah, the Jewish People suddenly saw G-d’s Clouds of Glory lift, signaling that it was now His command that they journey toward the Land of Israel.
Following G-d’s Lead
20 Iyar, 5740 • May 6, 1980
Disc 23, Program 92
Event Date: 20 Iyar 5740 - May 06, 1980
After camping at the foot of Mount Sinai, studying their newly received Torah, the Jewish People suddenly saw G-d’s Clouds of Glory lift, signaling that it was now His command that they journey toward the Land of Israel. What is the special lesson here for Jewish children? Although there are times when one must close one’s Torah books in order to eat and rest, this does not disconnect him from Torah, because it is G-d Himself Who commands us to take care of our physical needs, as well. In the desert, when the Jews followed the Ark of the Covenant, G-d went forth before them to disperse their enemies. Today, too, when we place the Torah before us, we have nothing to fear. We proceed with confidence and happiness, dwelling securely in our Holy Land. |
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