
Point of Pride

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Point of Pride

In the Book of Exodus, G-d calls the Jewish people a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” A story in the Talmud demonstrates how we could fulfill this verse and inspire the respect of the nations that surround us.
Gartel, Jewish Dress, Jewish Pride, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Point of Pride
Disc 170, Program 677

Event Date: 13 Elul 5742 - September 01, 1982

In the Book of Exodus, God calls the Jewish people a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” A story in the Talmud demonstrates how we could fulfill this verse and inspire the respect of the nations that surround us.

The Talmud relates the fascinating account of what took place when a rabbinic sage visited the court of Izgadar, the ruler of the Babylonian-Persian Empire. Rather than cower in the presence of such strength and power, the sage stood staunchly as a proud and committed Jew. The king's response was profound, and demonstrative of how to inspire the respect of the nations that surround us.

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Gil August 30, 2017

On which Tractate and page is the story the Rebbe mentions? Reply

rivky September 3, 2017

What Parsha Was this said on? Reply

Chabad.org Staff September 4, 2017
in response to rivky:

Ki Sovo Reply

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