
A Love of the Land

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A Love of the Land

The Torah relates how after Tzelafchad died without leaving any sons, his daughters appeared before Moses with a claim that they should be their father’s heirs. G-d agreed and commanded Moses to write this into Jewish law.
Pinchas, Daughters of Zelophehad, Lubavitcher Rebbe
A Love of the Land
Disc 168, Program 671

Event Date: 15 Tammuz 5746 - July 22, 1986

The Torah relates how after Tzelafchad died without leaving any sons, his daughters appeared before Moses with a claim that they should be their father’s heirs. G-d agreed and commanded Moses to write this into Jewish law.

Tzelafchad’s daughters stepped out of their comfort zone for the sake of the Land of Israel and a desire to fulfill G-d’s will. In this way, the sisters acted as role models inspiring the entire Jewish nation to serve G-d with self-sacrifice. It’s by forgoing one’s own will and nature that a Jew devotes himself to the mission of bringing this world to its perfection, to a world of Gdliness.

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