A Joyful Connection
Living Torah
A Joyful ConnectionChasidism places much emphasis on serving G-d with joy. In truth, this is not something that a Jew must search too far to find. It is a natural expression of the awareness of G-d in all facets of life, and of the Jew’s recognition of what lies within him.
A Joyful Connection
Disc 162, Program 646
Event Date: 20 Kislev 5737 - December 12, 1976
Chasidism places much emphasis on serving G-d with joy. In truth, this is not something that a Jew must search too far to find. It is a natural expression of the awareness of G-d in all facets of life, and of the Jew’s recognition of what lies within him. This will help him rise beyond setbacks in his spiritual life and continue on the path of Torah observance. |
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