
Be Like Abraham

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Be Like Abraham

Abraham broke his natural tendencies to follow G-d. We can (and must!) do the same.
Soviet War on Judaism, Self Sacrifice, Binding of Isaac, Abraham, Shelichut, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Be Like Abraham
Disc 162, Program 645

Event Date: 13 Tammuz 5732 - June 25, 1972

Sometimes we are put into situations that give us an opportunity to show true dedication and commitment. Faced with such circumstances, we must learn from our forefathers.

Just like Abraham who was ready to carry out G-d’s will in even the most challenging circumstances, we must apply ourselves to the task of reaching out to our fellow Jews, even if it means sacrificing of ourselves.

This is especially true for individuals who have arrived from the Soviet Union, and who fought to keep the flame of Judaism alive behind the Iron Curtain. In the free world, they still have much work to do.

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Patrick Merk Konstanz November 6, 2024

Think about Gerim and what they have to do to become jewish is sometimes a bigger self-sacrifice than the struggle of born jews. I am writing this as a Ger in the Giur Proceß who wants to become a beloved son of Avraham. Reply

Ephraim texas November 9, 2022

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